About us

Brigitte MartiniBrigitte Martini

For more than 25 years Brigitte Martini successfully managed her art trade in the town Landsberg am Lech, which was founded around 1260/80 under the Duke of Wittelsbach Ludwig II. In October 2014 she moved with her business to the former roman settlement Epfach (Abodiacum), 15 minutes  southern from Landsberg at the former Via Claudia. The love of the beautiful and the great joy of discovering new objects always leads her to travel again. “What I like for myself, I sell too” is Brigitte Martinis motto. These are objects with great charm and high quality. As far as possible the items are left in their old state of preservation or they're conservatively restored. Many years of building collections, as well as numerous sales to museums confirm from time to time her professional sense.

About our parsonage

In 2012, we were able to fulfil the long-cherished wish to combine space for exhibitions and habitation in a historic building and have been able to acquire the vicarage in Epfach.
Client of the building was at his day the abbot of Steingaden Hyazinth Gassner. He commissioned the proven master builder of the Wieskirche Dominikus Zimmermann, to whom the stucco works are attributed alongside his first stucco artist Nikolaus Schütz. The rectory was completed in 1752 after 8 years of construction. The house was originally used as the summer residence of the monastery from Steingaden.
The architectural orientation with a view on the once roman-populated Lech peninsula, where around 380 was built one of the first Christian sacred buildings north of the Alps, has been chosen deliberately.